The survey of shell-bearing heterobranchs of the order Cephalaspidea of the Kara Sea has been done based on unpublished and literature data. The studied material includes that collected during expeditions aboard R/V Professor Multanovskiy in August–September 2019 and R/V Dalnie Zelentsy in August 2012. Additionally, the material of collections of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Saint Petersburg) has been studied. The fauna of heterobranch molluscs of the order Cephalaspidea in the Kara Sea includes 18 described and 1 undescribed species that belong to 10 genera and 6 families. It has been specified that the type locality of Retusa semen Reeve, 1855 (Port Refuge) is located at Port Refuge National Historic Site of Canada, Devon Island, Nunavut, not in the Kara Sea. Retusa semen is considered here as species inquirenda because of the brief original description, significant differences in drawings of the shell of this species made by different authors, and the absence of type specimens. The presence of Diaphana minuta Brown, 1827, Laona quadrata (Wood, 1839), Philine sinuata Stimpson, 1851 and Retusa semen in the Kara Sea needs confirmation. Species numbers of heterobranch molluscs of the order Cephalaspidea decrease from the Barents Sea (21) through the Kara Sea (19) to the Laptev Sea (15) because of the decreasing proportion of boreal-arctic species. Among cephalaspids of the Kara Sea, the highest average abundance (individuals/m2) was observed for Cylichnoides densistriatus (Leche, 1878), and the highest average biomass for Cylichna corticata (Møller, 1842). The proportion of live individuals in the populations does not exceed 18% in late August – early September. The taxonomic structure of the cephalaspid fauna of the Kara Sea has been studied based exclusively on morphological characters. Further study of the fauna is needed based on molecular analyses of the material fixed in 96˚ alcohol.