ABSTRACT:A model based on the concept of fractional calculus is proposed for the description of the relative complex permittivity (* r ϭ Ј r Ϫ iЈ r , where Ј r and Љ r are the real and imaginary parts of * r ) in polymeric materials. This model takes into account three dielectric relaxation phenomena. The differential equations obtained for this model have derivatives of fractional order between 0 and 1. Applying the Fourier transform to fractional differential equations and considering that each relaxation mode is associated with cooperative or noncooperative movements, we have calculated * r (i,T) (where is the angular frequency and T is the temperature). The isothermal and isochronal diagrams obtained from the proposed model of Ј r and Љ r clearly show three dielectric relaxation phenomena; in the isochronal case, each relaxation mode manifests by an increase in Ј r with increasing temperature, and this behavior is associated with a peak of Љ r (T) in each case. The model is matched with the experimental data on poly(ethylene naphthalene 2,6-dicarboxylate) (PEN) to justify its validity. Poly(ethylene 2, 6 -naphthalene dicarboxylate) (PEN) is a semicrystalline polymer that displays three dielectric relaxation processes: , *, and ␣.