From a perspective in which the dynamical contribution of hadrons is manifested, Cabibbo-anglefavored two-body decays of charm mesons into final states involving 17 or 7' are studied in consistency with the other charm meson decays. PACS numberk): 13.25.+m, 11.30.Hv, 14.40.Aq, 14.40.J~ Although the decays F + (recently D:)+T+~ and amplitudes [2,31 for three pseudoscalar (PS) meson pro-T +~' have been studied by many authors [I] the theoreti-cesses, P i ( p i ) + P~( P , ) + P3(q), cal understanding of these decays has not reached any consensus. In this Brief Report, we investigate these de-cays from a theoretical perspective from which the other which can be obtained by using PCAC (partial conservatwo-body decays of charm mesons have already been de-tion of axial-vector current) and an extrapolation q+O in scribed well.the infinite momentum frame (IMF), i.e., pia,. Here Our crucial starting point is the following approximate the equal-time commutator (ETC) term and the surface term, which is expressed in terms of a sum of asymptotic pole amplitudes, have to be evaluated in the IMF, where the notation is given in Refs.[2] and [3]. The above can be considered as an innovation of the old soft pion technique [4]. We note that the amplitude [Eq.(1) with Eqs. (2) and (311 is thus expressed solely in terms of asymptotic matrix elements of the vector and axial-vector charges V, and A , and the effective weak Hamiltonian H, [matrix elements taken between single-hadron (not only the ordinary ~Q Q ] but also hypothetical [5] four-quark [ Q Q ] [ Q~] and ( QQ)( QQ ), glueball, hybrid { Q& ] , etc.) states withinfinite momentum] and that the asymptotic matrix elements of V , and A , can be well parametrized by using the asymptotic flavor symmetry [6]. We thus realize that the essential features of nonle~tonic weak decavs must be found in the dynamics which will show up among the asymptotic matrix elements of Hw appearing in Eqs. (2) and (3). In the Dast. we have alreadv obtained constraints on A , asymptotic matrix elements of Hw responsible for nonleptonic weak decays of K and charm mesons, i.e., diagonal and nondiagonal ([QQI[QQIlHwl (QQIo) and satisfy the asymptotic IAIl = f rule and its charm counterpart under the asymptotic SUf(3) symmetry, while ((QQ)(QQ)IH,I {QQIO) and ( { Q Q~~I H W I ( Q Q ) ( Q Q ) ) can violate the selection rules, where the exact SU,(2) symmetry is always assumed. T o this, we have used two alternative but complementary methods, i.e., one [7,8] is algebraic and based on the asymptotic realization of commutation relations involving V,, A,, and H,, and the other [3,9,10] is based on more intuitive quark-line arguments. We have also pointed out [8-101 that the schannel contribution of four-quark mesons and a glueball to Ms is important in the charm meson decays. However, in the u channel, only charm mesons can contribute t o