An accurate description of typical finite-array behavior such as edge effects and array resonances is essential in the design of various types of antennas. The analysis approach proposed in this paper is essentially based on the concept of eigencurrents and is capable of describing finite-array behavior. In the approach numerical simulation is carried out, first, by computing element eigencurrents from chosen expansion functions and, second, by expanding a limited set of array eigencurrents in terms of element eigencurrents that contribute to the mutual coupling in the array. Both types of eigencurrents are eigenfunctions of an impedance operator that relates the current to the excitation field. Highlighting both mathematical and physical features we describe the basic concepts of the approach, in particular the relation between eigenvalues and mutual coupling. We illustrate these features for uniform linear arrays of loops and dipoles, and demonstrate that the approach provides significant improvements in terms of computation time and memory use.Index Terms-Antenna arrays, dipole arrays, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, integrodifferential equations, loop antenna arrays, method of moments (MoM), mutual coupling, resonance.