Let G n be a graph obtained by the strong product of P 2 and C n , where n 3. In this paper, explicit expressions for the Kirchhoff index, multiplicative degree-Kirchhoff index and number of spanning trees of G n are determined, respectively. It is surprising to find that the Kirchhoff (resp. multiplicative degree-Kirchhoff) index of G n is almost one-sixth of its Wiener (resp. Gutman) index. Moreover, let G r n be the set of subgraphs obtained from G n by deleting any r vertical edges of G n , where 0 r n. Explicit formulas for the Kirchhoff index and the number of spanning trees for any graph G r n ∈ G r n are completely established, respectively. Finally, it is interesting to see that the Kirchhoff index of G r n is almost one-sixth of its Wiener index.