Multilevel M-ary amplitude-shift-key (M-ASK) intensity modulation formats have been proposed and experimentally demonstrated in millimeter-wave radio-over-fiber (mm-wave RoF) system. In order to demonstrate multilevel intensity modulation for spectrally efficient implementation, return-to-zero (RZ) and non-RZ (NRZ) implementations for both 4-ASK and 8-ASK modulation formats are utilized in full-duplex RoF link. Hence, for downlink, two different signal generation schemes are utilized in this paper for optical mm-wave generation and transport using optical heterodyning of two unlocked lasers. For uplink, similar RF self-homodyning technique is applied at the base station (BS) to simplify the signal translation process. Theoretical analyses and experimental results using the proposed technique for M-ASK modulation formats confirm the system's performance. Apart from the bandwidth-efficient realization of the proposed schemes, demonstrated full-duplex RoF techniques avoid most of the high-speed electrooptic and RF devices from both the central station (CS) and BSs keeping the optical mm-wave generation, optical transport, and BSs simpler in both directions.Index Terms: Fiber optics systems, heterodyning, homodyning, multilevel modulation, radio over fiber (RoF), microwave photonics.In order to exploit the congestion-free spectral domain of these frequency bands, the mm-wave radio over fiber (RoF) is an attractive solution. In a mm-wave RoF system, a low-loss optical fiber link is established to transmit mm-wave signals where central stations (CSs) processes the signal generation, data modulation, upconversion etc., and the base stations (BSs) are distributed through the common fiber network [2]. As the BSs need to transmit the mm-wave signal to the end user, the operational coverage of BSs reduces to pico-or femtocells due to inherent high atmospheric attenuation at mm-wave bands [3]. This translates to a larger number of BS requirements to allocate coverage to the total geographic area. Low-cost optical mm-wave generation, photonic frequency upconversion strategies and efficient modulation formats at the CS are therefore the main drivers for simplified, efficient, and cost-effective distribution of signals to the remote BSs. Minimization of high-speed components from the BS and simpler signal translation schemes play a significant role in this regard to meet the performance-to-cost-ratio requirements.In our recent demonstrations [4], [5], we proposed and demonstrated mm-wave RoF system where two uncorrelated optical carriers were heterodyned without any phase/frequency locking, and later, the transmitted data was recovered using phase-insensitive incoherent demodulation technique, i.e., RF self-homodyning. Such technique removed any phase/frequency locking, highspeed modulators, and LO at the generation and transport of optical mm-wave signals. Additionally, it avoided high-speed RF devices (i.e., LO) at the BS and relaxed signal translations for both downlink and uplink directions, respectively. Simple modulation ...