The genetics of resistance to stem rust (Puccinia grurninis tritici) was investigated in wheat (Triticurn aestivum L.) cultivars Romany, Es.P 5 1819, Bonny and Tama that are resistant to many races in both Canada and Kenya. Seedling resistance in the four cultivars to 12 Canadian races is controlled griinarily by previously identified genes. The results indicate that the cultivars have the following genes: Romany -Sr.5, Sr6, Sr7a, SrYb and SriV; Es.P 51819 -Sr5, Sr6, Sr7a, Sr8, Sr9b, SriV and possibly Sr17; Bonny -Sr6 and S r l l ; and Tama -Sr6 and Sr8. Gene SrW confers moderate resistance and is also present in the cultivar Webster.