Embedding magnetic colloidal particles in an elastic polymer matrix leads to smart soft materials that can reversibly be addressed from outside by external magnetic fields. We discover a pronounced nonlinear superelastic stress-strain behavior of such materials using numerical simulations. This behavior results from a combination of two stress-induced mechanisms: a detachment mechanism of embedded particle aggregates as well as a reorientation mechanism of magnetic moments. The superelastic regime can be reversibly tuned or even be switched on and off by external magnetic fields and thus be tailored during operation. Similarities to the superelastic behavior of shape-memory alloys suggest analogous applications, with the additional benefit of reversible switchability and a higher biocompatibility of soft materials.The term "superelasticity" expresses the capability of certain materials to perform huge elastic deformations that are completely reversible 1,2 . It was initially introduced in the context of shape-memory alloys 3-5 . These metallic materials can perform large recoverable deformations due to stress-induced phase transitions. A transition to a more elongated lattice structure accommodates an externally imposed extension. Typically, this transition shows up as a pronounced "plateau-like" regime on the corresponding stress-strain curve. On this plateau, the samples are heterogeneous with domains of already transitioned material. Then, only relatively small additional stress induces a huge additional deformation. Smart material properties are observed 6-9 : upon stress release, shape-memory alloys can reversibly find back to their initial state. They self-reliantly adapt their appearance to changed environmental conditions.In the present letter, we demonstrate that an analogous phenomenological behavior can be realized for a very different class of materials, exploiting different underlying mechanisms. Moreover, we show that during operation the behavior can be reversibly tailored from outside by external magnetic fields. All of this is achieved by employing soft magnetic gels as working materials: colloidal magnetic particles embedded in a possibly swollen elastic polymer matrix 10 . Similarly to magnetic fluids 11-18 , magnetic gels allow to reversibly adjust their material properties by external magnetic fields. In this way, switching the elastic properties 19-23 offers a route to construct readily tunable dampers 24 or vibration absorbers 25 , while the possibility to switch the shape 19,26-28 allows application as soft actuators [29][30][31] . Here, we show that magnetic gels due to the interplay between magnetic and elastic interactions likewise feature superelastic behavior: it is enabled by a detachment mechanism of embedded magnetic particle aggregates and by a reorientation mechanism of magnetic moments. Both mechanisms are stress-induced and rea) Electronic mail: pcremer@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de b) Electronic mail: menzel@thphy.uni-duesseldorf.de spond to external magnetic fields. Therefore, su...