Recent theoretical and experimental studies on the critical properties of frustrated antiferromagnets with the noncollinear spin order, including stacked-triangular antiferromagnets and helimagnets, are reviewed. Particular emphasis is put on the novel critical and multicritical behaviors exhibited by these magnets, together with an important role played by the 'chirality'. §1. Introduction Phase transitions and critical phenomena have been a central issue of statistical physics for many years. In particular, phase transitions of magnets or of 'spin systems' have attracted special interest. Thanks to extensive theoretical and experimental studies, we now have rather good understanding of the nature of phase transitions of standard ferromagnets and antiferromagnets. By the term 'standard', I mean here regular and unfrustrated magnets without quenched disorder and frustration. They include ferromagnets and unfrustrated antiferromagnets with the collinear spin order.One key notion which emerged through these studies is the notion of universality. According to the universality hypothesis, a variety of continuous (or secondorder) phase transitions can be classified into a small number of universality classes determined by a few basic properties characterizing the system under study, such as the space dimensionality d, the symmetry of the order parameter and the range of interaction. If one is interested only in the so-called universal quantities, such as critical exponents, amplitude ratios and scaled equation of state, various phase transitions should exhibit exactly the same behavior. In the case of standard bulk magnets in three spatial dimensions (d = 3), universality class is basically determined by the number of the spin components, n. Physically, the index n is related to the type of magnetic anisotropy: Namely, n = 1 (Ising), n = 2 (XY ) and n = 3 (Heisenberg) correspond to magnets with easy-axis-type anisotropy, easy-plane-type anisotropy and no anisotropy (isotropic magnets), respectively. The critical properties associated with these n-component O(n) universality classes have been extensively studied and are now rather well understood. From the renormalization-group (RG) viewpoint, these critical properties are governed by the so-called Wilson-Fisher O(n) fixed point.