DAVID M. PIATAK and PUI-FUN LOUISA TANG. Can. J. Chem. 65, 1327Chem. 65, (1987. Several N-phenylcycloheximide analogues were prepared by TiCI4-promoted aldol condensation between trimethylsilyl en01 ethers of cyclic ketones and (N-phenylg1utarirnide)-P-acetaldehyde. Favored stereoisomers were isolated in several instances and identified from nuclear magnetic resonance data. Only for the analogue from 4-tert-butylcyclohexanone was it possible to obtain both erythro and threo isomers. Catalytic reduction of the P-hydroxyketone system overPtOz gave dihydrocycloheximide analogues possessing an axial ring hydroxyl group. Reduction in glacial HOAc was noted as promoting fission of the glutarimide ring with formation of lactone amides and, in several instances, concomitant reduction of the phenyl ring to a cyclohexyl group. DAVID M. PIATAK et PUI-FUN Loursa TANG. Can. J. Chern. 65, 1327Chern. 65, (1987.On a prtpart plusieurs analogues de la N-phtnylcycloheximide en proctdant a la condensation aldolique, catalyste par le TiC14, d'tthers Cnoliques trirntthylsilyles de cttones cycliques et de (N-phtnylg1utarimide)-P-acttaldthyde. Dans plusieurs cas, on a isolt les sttrtoisombres les plus favorists et on les a caracttrists par la rtsonance magnttique nucltaire. L'analogue de la tert-butyl-4 cyclohexanone est le seul cas oh I'on a pu isoler les isomeres tant trythro que thre'o. La reduction catalytique du systkme P-hydroxycttonique, a l'aide de Pt02, conduit aux analogues dihydrocycloheximides posstdant un groupement hydroxyle axial. On a note que la reduction dans I'acide acttique glacial favorise une fission du noyau glutarimide qui conduit B la formation d'amides lactoniques et, dans plusieurs cas, a une rtduction concomitante du noyau phtnyle en groupernent cyclohexyle.[Traduit par la revue]Our prior work (1) with analogues of the antibiotic and DNA biosynthetic inhibitor cycloheximide l a indicated that these compounds held some promise as potential anticonvulsants. A general synthetic procedure leading regio-and stereospecifically to the requisite P-hydroxyketone functionality was sought, since the previous methods we used were not as simple and direct as we had hoped. We began by examining the TiC14-promoted directed aldol condensation procedure, initially described by T. Mukaiyama et al. (2), to develop an efficient strategy for the synthesis of additional analogues whereby the cyclohexane ring substituents and (or) the imide ring portion of the molecule could be varied before introducing the P-hydroxyketone system. Recently, S. Kudo et al. (3,4) used titanium and tin halide mediated methods to prepare optically active tratzs-cycloheximide isomers and chiral cis-cycloheximide isomers for antimicrobial activity studies. Thus, the method offered promise.Our initial experience with the Mukaiyama procedure using the glutarimide-P-acetaldehyde (5) was unsatisfactory as we were unable to effect adequate protection of the imide group with benzyl chloride. Direct reaction of the imidealdehyde and 6-methyl-1-trimethylsil...