In the T-matrix form of transfer reaction, the optical model potentials (OMPs) are used to compute the scattering wave function and transition operator. For most cases, the elastic scattering cross sections, normally used to generate the OMPs, are not directly given in the same experiment. Then the global OMPs, which fit the experimental data over a broad mass and energy range, have been widely used in the theoretical calculations. Different sets of global OMPs with different parameter sets can reproduce the scattering cross section equally well within the uncertainty. Here, we apply different global OMPs to calculate the (differential) cross sections of (d, p) transfer reactions on target nuclei 12C, 48Ca, 124Sn and 208Pb at different energies. The results demonstrate that the effects of deuteron and nucleon global OMPs on transfer (differential) cross sections vary with energy and the target mass. Furthermore, the influences of the spin-orbit coupling term of deuteron and nucleon global OMPs on the transfer cross sections are not negligible.