The emergence of crowdfunding as a means to gather financial support for
medical expenses has become a global phenomenon. As the prevalence of
medical crowdfunding increases within regional contexts, including in
Serbia, this article aims to offer a framework for understanding this
phenomenon and its ramifications. Drawing upon a review of literature and
research mostly pertaining to Anglo-Saxon crowdfunding practices, we contend
that the proliferation of medical crowdfunding, which is facilitated by
technological advancements, signifies inherent deficiencies within
healthcare systems, exacerbated by the erosion of the welfare state. While
addressing immediate financial exigencies for some individuals, this
practice engenders substantial social, political, and ethical dilemmas.
Structured into three sections, the article contextualizes the catalysts
propelling the emergence of medical crowdfunding, notably the
transformations in welfare regimes. Subsequently, it delves into the
opportunities and challenges presented by crowdfunding for medical expenses,
while the third section delineates the implications for healthcare systems
and policies, underscoring the necessity for research elucidating medical
crowdfunding within the contexts of post-socialist countries.