The acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) was first reported in 19671. Volumetric overload (VO) of 12-14 liters (L) reported in every case but not incriminated in patho-aetiology. Although fluid therapy has been suspected [1-8] and prospective trials reported VO of 3-10 L in surviving ARDS patients7,8, it has not been incriminated [2-8]. ARDS is attributed to sepsis [9-12], has a high morbidity, cost and mortality [2-12]. How the precise role of VO in patho-aetiology of ARDS was unraveled and the BRIDGE between physics, physiology, biochemistry, and medicine was built, remain unknown. Here I show how VO complicates fluid therapy during shock resuscitation inducing the new shock (VOS) [13-20] unraveled by critical analytical review of key articles as well as my own research, while building the BRIDGE between basic sciences and medicine. The new VOS is of two types: VOS 1 and VOS 2.Hyponatraemia characterizes VOS 1 that is mistaken for a recognized shock and wrongly treated with further volume expansion complicating into VOS 2 causing secondary ARDS17-20.