For pressure maintenance purpose peripheral wells have been used to inject sea water into a carbonate reservoir offshore Abu Dhabi. The injected water preferentially follows the path of the of higher permeability zones, since injection is done into formation water below oil water contact. Though the sea water front movement in the reservoir has been estimated indirectly via numerical reservoir simulator, successes of direct methods have been limited by the injection volume and environmental effects.Direct spatial measurement of the injected sea water front within the reservoir is important to evaluate the efficiency of pressure maintenance by peripheral water injection, also considered an important step in tuning simulator parameters, and optimizing the Field Development Plan (FDP).Although there is strong water salinity contrast between the injected and original reservoir water in this field, resistivity-based methods can be affected by variations in the reservoir rock cementation factor, while cased hole logs can be affected by environmental effects such as hydrochloric acid effect commonly seen in carbonate reservoirs after stimulation.This technique that utilizes open hole Pulsed Neutron Sigma measurement of Logging While Drilling (LWD) enables petrophysicists to distinguish and determine injected water separately from formation water, independent of Archie-based resistivity method. Also this technique provides a new methodology to calculate cementation factor (m). Successful application of this technique in an offshore Abu Dhabi carbonate reservoir is presented here.