Abstract. In the framework of the French participation in the International Equatorial Electrojet Year (IEEY), ten magnetotelluric stations were installed between November 1992 and November 1994 along a 1200-kmlong meridian pro®le, between Lamto (latitude 6.2°N, Coà te d'Ivoire) to the south and Tombouctou (latitude 16.7°N, Mali) to the north. These stations measured digitally the three components of the magnetic ®eld and the two components of the telluric electric ®eld, and operated over a period of 20 months. The magnetic data is used to study the features of the equatorial electrojet (EEJ) in West African longitude. The measurement of the telluric electric ®eld variations will be presented elsewhere. Hourly mean values are used to study the morphological structure of the regular diurnal variation S R of the three components (H, D, and Z) of the earth magnetic ®eld and to characterize the EEJ during magnetically quiet days. The occurrences of the counter-electrojet (CEJ) are set forth, emphasizing its seasonal variability. Assumed to be a current ribbon, the EEJ main parameters (the position of its center, its width, and the amplitude of its current density at the center) are determined. A preliminary analysis of the time variations of these parameters is presented over period of 20 months (from January 1993 to August 1994). Results are compared with those obtained during previous experiments of the same kind.