To examine the neurochemistry underlying the firing of the RPeD1 neuron in the respiratory central pattern generator of the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, we examined electrophysiologically and pharmacologically either "active" or "silent" preparations by intracellular recording and pharmacology. GABA inhibited electrical firing by hyperpolarizing RPeD1, while picrotoxin, an antagonist of GABA(A) receptors, excited silent cells and reversed GABA-induced inhibition. Action potential activity was terminated by 1 mM glutamate (Glu) while silent cells were depolarized by the GluR agonists, AMPA, and NMDA. Kainate exerted a complex triphasic effect on membrane potential. However, only bath application of AMPA desensitized the firing. These data indicate that GABA inhibits RPeD1 via activation of GABA(A) receptors, while Glu stimulates the neuron by activating AMPA-sensitive GluRs.