The general solution of the field equations in LRS Bianchi-I space-time with perfect fluid equation-of-state (EoS) is presented. The models filled with dust, vacuum energy, Zel'dovich matter and disordered radiation are studied in detail. A unified and systematic treatment of the solutions is presented, and some new solutions are found. The dust, stiff matter and disordered radiation models describe only a decelerated universe, whereas the vacuum energy model exhibits a transition from a decelerated to an accelerated phase. Keywords: LRS Bianchi I anisotropic model; perfect fluid equation of state. December 12, 2019 1:34 WSPC/INSTRUCTION FILE LRSBianchiI-IJMPD 2 Vijay Singh and Aroonkumar Beeshamfilled with a perfect fluid for which the classical barotropic equation-of-state (EoS) p = (γ − 1)ρ does not hold 8 . Further, the authors generated two new classes of LRS Bianchi type II models with stiff matter 9 . Hajj-Boutros and Sfeila 10 elaborated this new generation technique in the case of a static spherically-symmetric distribution of charged fluid satisfying a barotropic equation of state, i.e., p = (γ − 1)ρ. In continuation of the series of their work, via a suitable scale transformation, they showed that the condition of isotropy of pressure in a Bianchi I space-time filled with perfect fluid reduces to a linear second-order differential equation which can be used for generating many new LRS Bianchi I solutions 11 . Following their approach, Ram 12,13,14 , and Singh and Ram 15 also added some new classes of LRS Bianchi type I and type VI 0 perfect fluid models. In 1994, Mazumder 16 showed that the field equations of the LRS Bianchi I space-time filled with a perfect fluid are solvable for arbitrary cosmic scale functions. He tried to generalise the solutions found in Refs. 11, 14. However, the main issue with generating schemes is that the matter energy density ρ and pressure p do not satisfy a barotropic equation of state, in general. Another weak point of these models is the consideration of known solutions to obtain exact solution of the field equations. In this paper, we discuss the general solution of the field equations in LRS Bianchi I space-time with a perfect fluid equation of state.The paper is organized as follows. In Sec. 2, we present the field equations and general solution with a perfect fluid equation of state in the framework of the LRS Bianchi I space-time. In subsections 2.1-2.5, we present the solutions for the dust, vacuum energy, Zel'dovich stiff matter and radiation models, respectively, and discuss their physical and cosmological significance. The summary of the results is accumulated in Sec. 3.