We study connection between the Jordan superalgebras of vector type and the finitely generated projective modules of rank 1 over an integral domain.Keywords: Jordan superalgebra of vector type, differentiably simple algebra, integral domain, field of quotients, polynomial algebra, projective module, Picard groupThe well-known Kantor construction [1, 2] allows us to construct a Jordan superalgebra that is based on an associative commutative algebra with derivation. The so-constructed Jordan superalgebra belongs to the class of superalgebras of vector type. The superalgebras of vector type play an important role in exhibition of some counterexamples. In [3], some examples are given of prime (−1, 1)-algebras and Jordan algebras with absolute zero-divisors, the so-called Pchelintsev's monsters. Other constructions of Pchelintsev's monsters were given in [4] by using the Jordan superalgebras of vector type. Some examples of prime algebras with absolute zero-divisors in the varieties of alternative, Jordan, and (−1, 1)-algebras were obtained in [5] with the help of the Jordan superalgebras of vector type. The Jordan superalgebras of vector type with one derivation were studied in [2,6]. Thus, the simplicity criterium for a Jordan superalgebra was found in [2]. The speciality of this Jordan superalgebra was proved in [6]. In [7] the universal associative enveloping algebra was constructed for a simple Jordan superalgebra of vector type with one derivation.In [8,9], the unital simple special Jordan superalgebras with associative even part A were described such that the odd part M is an associative A-module. If such superalgebra is not a superalgebra of nondegenerate bilinear superform then its even part A is a differentiably simple algebra with respect to some set of derivations, and the odd part M is a finitely generated projective A-module of rank 1. The multiplication on M is given by some fixed finite sets of derivations and elements of A. Furthermore, each of such Jordan superalgebras is a subsuperalgebra of vector type J(Γ, D) with derivation D. If the number of generators of the A-module M is equal to 1 then the initial Jordan superalgebra is a superalgebra of vector type J(Γ, D). Under some restriction on A, the odd part M is a one-generated A-module. For example, if A is a local algebra then M is a free (and, consequently, one-generated) A-module by the well-known Kaplansky theorem. If the ground field is of characteristic p > 2 then A is a local algebra by [10]; therefore, M is a one-generated A-module. If A is a unique factorization ring then it is known that M is a free (and, consequently, one-generated) A-module (for example, see [11]).The first example of a simple superalgebra of vector type over the reals with several derivations which is not isomorphic to J(Γ, D) was constructed by I. P. Shestakov. This example may be found in [9]. Given a field F of characteristic zero in which the equation t 2 + 1 = 0 is unsolvable, some example of a similar superalgebra over F was given in [12][13]. Finally, the exampl...