We analyze Tevatron data of bottomonium hadroproduction in the framework of the colour-octet model (COM) implemented in the event generator PYTHIA [1] using CTEQ4L PDF taking into account initial-state radiation of gluons and Altarelli-Parisi evolution of final-state gluons. We obtain new values for the colour-octet matrix elements (Me's) relevant to this production process for the Υ(nS) family (n=1,2,3), finding that 1 S (8) 0contributions are not needed in the fit. We show the different contributions to Υ(1S) production at Tevatron for PT > 8 GeV, comparing them with CDF data. Remarkably we find a quite small contribution (compatible with zero) from feeddown of χ bJ states produced through the colour-octet mechanism: Υ(1S) indirect production via χ bJ decays should be mainly ascribed to the colour-singlet model. Finally we extrapolate to LHC energies to predict Υ(nS) production rates.
HIGHER ORDER QCD EFFECTS; GENERATING Υ(nS)In a previous work [2], we extracted colouroctet Me's for Υ(1S) hadroproduction using CTEQ2L parton distribution funcion (PDF) [3]; in this work we extend this study to the upper resonances Υ(2S) and Υ(3S), using the improved CTEQ4L PDF [4]. We have implemented COM in the event generator PYTHIA with initial-state radiation of gluons [5,6] and Altarelli-Parisi evolution of final-state gluons in the same way that earlier.First we repeat our fit of the Υ(1S) differential cross section with CTEQ4L PDF. We generated separately each source: direct Υ(1S) production from both Colour Singlet Model (CSM) and COM. Indirect source comes from electromagnetic decays of χ bJ (1P ) and χ bJ (2P ) and contributions from strong and electromagnetic decays of Υ(2S) and Υ(3S); the M 5 = 5× m 2 b + * Work partially supported by CICYT under contract AEN99-0692 † E-mail:domenech@evalo1.ific.uv.es mas@evalo1.ific.uv.escombination is also taken into account (although later we shall see that actually this contribution is not needed). For the CSM Me's we take the values from the Buchmuller and Tye QCD potencial [7]. We make use of the Heavy Quark Spin Symmetry in order to relate the different matrix elements. We set the Υ(1S) mass as 9.46 GeV (the mass of the coloured intermediate state was set as 2M b = 9.76 GeV, the difference is accounted for by soft gluon emission) whereas for χ bJ (nP ) we took a weighted mean of their real masses [8]. For Υ(2S) we consider direct CSM contribution and the decay from Υ(3S) and χ bJ (2P ). COM contribution also is taken into account. For χ bJ (2P ) we set its real mass. Regarding the Υ(3S) state we consider only direct production for both CSM and COM contributions; we set its real mass, excluding any χ bJ (3P ) decays.We have included the higher order QCD effects on the partonic cross sections caused by:• Intrinsic Fermi motion of partons inside the hadrons. This non perturbative effect is relevant at small P t values.