In this paper we define the concept of a near-infinity concentrated norm on a Banach space X with a boundedly complete Schauder basis. When · is such a norm, we prove that (X, · ) has the fixed point property (FPP); that is, every nonexpansive self-mapping defined on a closed, bounded, convex subset has a fixed point. In particular, P.K. Lin's norm in 1 [14] and the norm νp(·) (with p = (pn) and limn pn = 1) introduced in [3] are examples of near-infinity concentrated norms. When νp(·) is equivalent to the 1 -norm, it was an open problem as to whether ( 1 , νp(·)) had the FPP. We prove that the norm νp(·) always generates a nonreflexive Banach space X = R ⊕p 1 (R ⊕p 2 (R ⊕p 3 . . . )) satisfying the FPP, regardless of whether νp(·) is equivalent to the 1 -norm. We also obtain some stability results.|t n | 1991 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46B03, 47H09, 47H10.