In the framework of the Regge-eikonal model of hadron interaction based on the analyticity of the scattering amplitude, taking into account the hadron structure, a simultaneous analysis is carried out with 90 sets of data. These sets include data obtained at low energies (s>3.6 GeV) and high energies at FNAL, ISR, SPP¯S, TEVATRON, and LHC with 4326 experimental points, including the polarization data of analyzing power. The energy and momentum transfer dependence of separate sets of data is analyzed on the basis of the eikonalized Born amplitude, taking into account two additional anomalous terms. Different origins of the nonlinear behavior of the slope of the scattering amplitude are compared. No contribution from the hard Pomeron in elastic hadron scattering is found. The importance of odderon’s contribution is presented. The form and energy dependence of different terms of the cross-even and cross-odd parts of the elastic nucleon-nucleon scattering amplitude is determined in the framework of the high-energy general structure model. In this framework, using the electromagnetic and gravitomagnetic form factors, the differential cross sections in the Coulomb nuclear interference region and at large momentum transfer are described well simultaneously in a wide energy region. It is shown that the cross-even part, including the soft Pomeron and an additional term with a large slope, has energy dependence ln2(s). The cross-odd part includes the maximal odderon term with ln2(s) and an additional oscillation term with ln(s). It is shown that the additional terms with large slope are proportional to charge distributions, but the maximal odderon term and oscillation term are proportional to matter distributions. Additionally, a good description of proton-neutron differential scattering with 526 experimental points is obtained on the basis of the amplitudes taken from the analysis of pp and pp¯ scattering. An adequate description of the polarization data was also obtained.
Published by the American Physical Society