“…On the other hand, it was proved by Sellers & Williams (2002) that the sequence (W n ) n≥0 (and many other similar sequences) contain infinitely many composite numbers. In 1999, H. Dubner determined that in the interval 2000 < p < 80000, S p is a probable prime (PRP) for p = 6689, 8087, 9679, 28953, 79043, and for no other prime p in that interval. The following values of p < 2000 yield prime NSW numbers S p : p = 3, 5, 7, 19, 29, 47, 59, 163, 257, 421, 937, 947, 1493, 1901. F. Morain has shown in 1989 that the last two values in fact yielded primes.…”