New finds of seven East Asian Lepidoptera species in the Russian part of the southern Priamurye (Amur Basin area) are presented. Lobocla bifasciata (Bremer et Grey, 1853) (Hesperiidae), Acosmeryx naga (Moore, [1858]) and Rhagastis mongoliana (Butler, [1876]) (Sphingidae) were found in the Amur Oblast’ for the first time. Ambulyx tobii (Inoue, 1976) (Sphingidae) was first discovered in the Khabarovsk Kray; it was also found in the Chernigovsky district of the Primorsky Kray, northward from the previously known localities. New finds of very rare nemoral species, Chrysozephyrus brillantinus (Staudinger, 1887) (Lycaenidae) and Clanis undulosa Moore, 1879 (Sphingidae), in the Khabarovsk Kray are reported. It is shown that the subtropical and tropical species Siglophora sanguinolenta (Moore, 1888) (Nolidae), first collected in Russia in 2020, has successfully naturalized in the southern Khabarovsk Kray. New finds of these species indicate that the species have extended their ranges northward and naturalized in new areas. This has occurred due to climate changes in the Amur River basin over the past decades such as the rising average annual and average air temperatures during cold periods.