A common technique for simulating nonâNewtonian fluid dynamics, such as snow avalanches, is to solve the Shallow Water Equations (SWE), together with a rheological model describing the momentum dissipation by shear stresses. Friction and cohesion terms are commonly modelled using the Voellmy friction model and, recently, the Bartelt cohesion model. Here, an adaptation of the Roe scheme that ensures the balance between the flux and pressure gradients and the friction source term is presented. An upwind scheme was used for the discretisation of the SWE numerical fluxes and the nonâvelocity-dependent terms of the frictionâcohesion model, whereas a centred scheme was used for the velocity-dependent source terms. The model was tested in analytically solvable settings, laboratory experiments and real cases. In all cases, the model performed well, avoiding numerical instabilities and achieving stable and consistent solution even for an avalanche stopping on a sloping terrain.