Contemporary Realities in Ukraine Form New Urgent Tasks Requiring Prompt Solutions. Demining territories is one such task. There are several regulatory documents that govern risk management (RM), both in general and specifically in mine action activities. Advanced technical solutions are shaping a current and specific direction in the fields of mechanical engineering, robotics, and electrical engineering - the creation of mechanized means of humanitarian demining (MMHD). These means reduce the likelihood of risks in mine action (MA), but it is necessary to achieve a high level of risk avoidance for MMHD failures during use. RM offers several methods for identifying, assessing, and analyzing risks. These methods are ranked by the complexity of their application and the level of results they provide. In this article, the authors focus on recommended methods linked to testing and the tactical-technical requirements for MMHD. The rational application of these methods can significantly impact the lifecycle (LC) of MMHD. During the preparatory stages for testing, it is sufficient to apply qualitative risk assessment methods for MMHD failures. During testing, forecasting the tactical-technical characteristics of MMHD, and analyzing the results of tests or errors in field risks, it is advisable to use quantitative or semi-quantitative methods.
The measures taken in MA for risk assessment are related by the authors to the subjects and objects of testing. This is due to the unbalanced level of risk hazards at the stages of testing, which does not contradict the principle of applying various classes of risk assessment methods. Preference in choosing a method is given to universal methods.
The publication proposes using the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) method during MHMD testing to integrate risk management into mine action management. This method is inherently universal for any field of human activity, but the authors suggest several recommendations for improving and adapting the FMEA method in mine action activities.
Using FMEA analysis will effectively ensure the reliability and efficiency of MHMD at the required level, forecast the need for maintenance and repairs, anticipate directions for MHMD modernization, and perform lifecycle monitoring procedures both at individual stages and within the framework of managing and controlling the MHMD lifecycle from production to disposal.
A developed risk management system links risk management stages with the subjects and objects of testing.