We present a new fault-tolerant intersection function F , which satisfies the Lipschitz condition for the uniform metric and is optimal among all functions with this property. F thus settles Lamport's question about such a function raised in [5]. Our comprehensive analysis reveals that F has exactly the same worst-case performance as the optimal Marzullo function M, which does not satisfy a Lipschitz condition. The utilized modelling approach in conjunction with a powerful hybrid fault model ensures compatibility of our results with any known application framework, including replicated sensors and clock synchronization.Key words: Fault-tolerant interval intersection -Marzullo function -Hybrid fault models -Interval-based clock synchronization
MotivationConsider some quantity like a point in real-time (for clock synchronization) or a temperature value (for replicated sensors) that is not known exactly but only within some range. Such a quantity t can be represented by a real interval I = [x, y] containing t, which makes the uncertainty explicit by its length |I| = y −x. Now suppose that we are somehow provided with n ≥ 1 different intervals I = {I 1 , . . . , I n } all representing the same t, and that we want to extract a single interval of minimum length that contains t. If all input intervals are accurate (i.e. non-faulty), in the sense that t ∈ I i , 1 ≤ i ≤ n, it is obvious that J = n i=1 I i contains t and hence J = ∅. In fact, J is the best (deterministic) information about t that can be deduced from I.However, the question arises what to do if some of the input intervals are not accurate (i.e. faulty), that is, t ∈