Two-dimensional supergravity theory is quantized as an anomalous gauge theory. In the Batalin-Radkin (BF) formalism, the anomaly-capceling super-Liouville fields are introduced to identify the original second-class constrained system with a gauge-fixed version of a first-class system. The BFV-BRST quantization applies to formulate the theory in the most general class of gauges. A local effective action constructed in the configuration space contains two super-liouville actions; one is a noncovariant but local functional written only in terms of two-dimensional supergravity fields, and the other contains the super-Liouville fields canceling the super-Weyl anomaly. Auxiliary fields for the Liouville &the gravity supermultiplets are introduced to make the BRST algebra close off-shell. Inchi~ion of them turns out to be essentially important especially in the super-light-cone gauge fixing, where the supercurvature equations (@g++ = 85x++ = 0) are obtained as a result of BRST invariance of the theory. Our approach reveals the origin of the OSp(l,Z) current algebra symmetry in a transparent manner.PACS number(s): 11.25.Hf, 0485.+e, 11.25.Pm