The parasitic nematode Capillaria (C.) aerophila affects the respiratory system of domestic and wild animals and, albeit rarely, human beings. In cats the infection may be subclinical, or present as chronic bronchitis with various respiratory clinical signs. In Europe there is no licensed product for the treatment of pet capillariosis. The present study aimed to deliver further evidence of the efficacy and safety of a spot-on formulation containing moxidectin 1 % (w/v) and imidacloprid 10 % (w/v) (Advocate ® , Advantage ® Multi, Bayer) in the treatment of C. aerophila infection in cats when administered once at the approved dose (one pipette 0.4 ml for cats weighing 1 -4 kg, one pipette 0.8 ml for cats weighing 4 -8 kg). Efficacy was tested on days 7 ± 1 and 11 ± 1 following treatment on day 0 and compared to pre-treatment faecal egg counts on days -6 ± 2 and -2 ± 2. Overall, 41 cats were enrolled in two groups: G1, treated with Advocate ® (n = 20 cats) and G2, left untreated (n = 21 cats). All G1 cats were negative for C. aero phila faecal egg output at the post-treatment evaluation (efficacy: 100 %) while all G2 cats were persistently infested with an average of 195.2 EPG. Differences in mean EPG values were statistically significant (p < 0.001). Of the eleven G1 cats that showed respiratory signs at pre-treatment enrolment, nine fully recovered after the administration of Advocate ® . No adverse events occurred in treated cats. This trial confirmed that Advocate ®
Original Article
S56EndoparasitEs is safe and effective in the treatment of feline lung capillariosis in naturally infected cats.