During operations,
medical doctors use various medical equipment
that is mainly manufactured from metallic materials. Bipolar forceps
are used for electrosurgery, especially neurosurgery. Bipolar forceps
are utilized for cutting, inosculation, and quick hemostasis with
electricity. Because bipolar tips reach a high temperature, the tissue
that makes contact with the tips and nearby tissue is damaged. In
addition, operations are delayed because of the need to wash or change
equipment because of tissue adhering to the bipolar tips. Herein,
we designed bipolar forceps with antiadhesion properties by coating
them with a superhydrophobic material. We compared the effect of the
coating by using bipolar forceps in different tissue samples and target
areas, which reached different surface temperatures. Furthermore,
the effect of the surface wettability was investigated. The temperature
measurements and adhesion force measurements indicated that coating
of the sample significantly limited the temperature increase and reduced
the adhesion force. We demonstrated that the antiadhesion properties
depended on the change in the surface tension of the hydrophobic material
coating. These coatings are promising for decreasing tissue adhesion
on metallic devices and decreasing collateral heat damage to the tissue.