IntroductionReliable and reproducible in vitro evaluation method of the UV protection ability of sunscreens has been expected to be developed, since it provides results more quickly, is less expensive, and is more ethical. In ISO 24443 method for the evaluation of in vitro Ultraviolet-A Protection Factor (UVA-PF) 1) , sample sunscreens should be applied on the roughened cosmetic standard polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) UV evaluation plate to measure the UV transmission passed though the sunscreen layer. However, it was found that the surface roughness of the cosmetic standard PMMA UV evaluation plates significantly influences on the UV protection ability of the sample sunscreen layer applied on the plate 2) . In addition, many other factors were shown to alter the UV protection ability by our combinational study of theoretical calculation and quantitative experimental analysis 3−7) .Based on the results of these research, a new in vitro SPF evaluation method has recently been developed 8) .