The photon energy spectra fro111 radiative xxluon captBle on C, 0, and Ca llave bee11 measured using a. time projection chamber as a pair spectrometer. The branching ratio for radiative muon capture is sensitive to g", the induced pseudoscalar coupling constant of the weak interaction, Expressed in terms of the axial-vector weak coupling constant g, values of g"/go = 5.7 6 0.8 and gJ, /g = 7.3 + 0.9 are obtained for Ca. and ' 0, respectively, from comparison with phenomenological calculations of the nuclear response. Froxxi comparison with microscopic calculations, values of g&/g~= 4.6 + 1.8, 13.6 +~s , and 16.2 +o'7 for Ca. , ' 0, and C, respectively, are obtained. The microscopic results are suggestive of a renormalization of the nucleonic form factors within the nucleus.