Control chart (CC) is used to monitor the special causes that arise during the process monitoring.These special causes produce continual shifts in the process parameters that last until it is identified and removed. There is a need for such techniques, which present the true representation of the entire process. Rational subgrouping is an essential concept in Statistical Process Control (SPC) which is seldom overlooked by the practitioner. Hence, most of the manufacturing, engineering, and production processes give output products in the form of batches over smaller intervals of time. The aim of this study is to provide a median based design for Tukey and Tukey-EWMA control charts under subgrouping. It will use the idea of boxplot to monitor the process behavior. This study also provides a brief discussion regarding selecting and forming subgroups from the process data. The performance of the median based Tukey and Tukey-EWMA charts are judged using Average, Median and Standard-Deviation run-length as performance measures. We have considered subgroup sizes of m=1,5 &10 at pre-specified ARL0 equal to 370. To real-life applications of the median based tukey designs are also presented to show their implementation in food manufacturing and hard-bake processes.2