Ultrashort-pulse, high average power thin-disk lasers matured and became efficient tools for precise material processing and hi-tech laser applications. Hilase centre developed a diodepumped thin-disk laser platform for Yb:YAG regenerative amplifiers delivering pulse energy >40 mJ, pulse repetition rate up to 400 kHz, nearly diffraction-limited output beam, and average power reaching of >500 W. The platform called Perla is based on a chirped-pulse amplification system (CPA) consisting of a fiber-based front-end, and a thin-disk regenerative amplifier followed by a compact pulse compressor. The system generates pulses <2 ps in duration. A TRL 7 (technical readiness level) version of the system with average power reaching up to 100 W is ready for customers, a 0.5 kW version exists like a laboratory prototype (TRL 4). The Yb:YAG system emitting at 1030 nm can be alternatively equipped by a frequency conversion stages to visible, UV, or mid-infrared (1.5-3 um) spectral regions. We demonstrate capabilities and construction details of the Perla platform.