The second stage, in which the star uses the nuclear fuel in its interior, represents the helium burning phase. At that stage, three elements are synthesised, which are carbon, oxygen and neon. The purpose of this paper is to establish a numerical solution for the helium burning system (HBN) fractal fractional differential equations (FFDEs). The extended operative matrix method (OM) is employed in the solution of a system of differential equations. and the product abundances, namely helium, carbon, oxygen and neon. The product abundances of the four elements were obtained in a form of divergent series. This divergent series are then accelerated using Euler-Abell transformation (EUAT) and Pade approximation (EUAT-PA) to obtain more reliable results. Nine fractal-fractional (FF) gas models are calculated and the influence of fractal-fractional parameters on product abundances is discussed. The findings show that modeling nuclear burning networks with the OM fractal-fractional derivative produces excellent results, establishing it as an accurate, resilient, and trustworthy approach, and the fractional HB models can have a considerable impact on stellar model calculations.