We present a comprehensive study that integrates experimental and theoretical nonequilibrium techniques to map energy landscapes along well defined pull-axis specific coordinates to elucidate mechanisms of protein unfolding. Single-molecule force-extension experiments along two different axes of photoactive yellow protein combined with nonequilibrium statistical mechanical analysis and atomistic simulation reveal energetic and mechanistic anisotropy. Steered molecular dynamics simulations and free-energy curves constructed from the experimental results reveal that unfolding along one axis exhibits a transition-state-like feature where six hydrogen bonds break simultaneously with weak interactions observed during further unfolding. The other axis exhibits a constant (unpeaked) force profile indicative of a noncooperative transition, with enthalpic (e.g., H-bond) interactions being broken throughout the unfolding process. Striking qualitative agreement was found between the force-extension curves derived from steered molecular dynamics calculations and the equilibrium freeenergy curves obtained by Jarzynski-Hummer-Szabo analysis of the nonequilibrium work data. The anisotropy persists beyond pulling distances of more than twice the initial dimensions of the folded protein, indicating a rich energy landscape to the mechanically fully unfolded state. Our findings challenge the notion that cooperative unfolding is a universal feature in protein stability.nonequilibrium dynamics ͉ photoactive yellow protein ͉ biophysics A key step toward connecting protein structure, dynamics, and function is the insightful mapping of energy landscapes (1). A proper set of reaction coordinates encodes the progress of a transition through the dynamical bottleneck region and correlates energetics with structure. Significant advances, both experimental and computational, have been made to map energy landscapes and understand protein (un)folding mechanisms (2). Experimental methods such as fluorescence quenching (3), fluorescence resonance energy transfer (4), hydrogen exchange (5), and small-angle x-ray scattering (6) yielded insights into the rates and structures of folding intermediates. A common result emerging from these studies on a range of small water-soluble proteins is that protein unfolding occurs in a cooperative, all-or-none, transition with a single dominant barrier separating the native and unfolded states (7,8). However, these approaches tend to sample thermodynamically favorable pathways and do not address why other paths are not preferred. For example, a gradual progression of partially unfolded intermediates is usually not detected for these small proteins, possibly because such conformational states are not populated to a measurable extent. Recently, thermal unfolding studies exhibited thermodynamically noncooperative behavior (9, 10). Hence, the molecular basis for the cooperativity of protein folding is a matter of considerable debate (11).In addition, unfolding (i.e., both chemical and mechanical) is a highly nonequ...