Drying corn, especially seeds in cobs, requires much higher energy consumption compared to other cereals.Therefore, there is a need to find and study new methods of energy saving. Our work's objective was: to analyze energy-saving methods of drying corn seeds in chamber corn dryers; to investigate the effect of a new corn cobs drying method on the sowing and yield properties of seeds. The new method is energy-saving and based on the use of a SKP chamber corn dryer in combination with a heat generator for biomass burning. We researched and characterized the known energy saving methods in the process of drying in SKP type chamber corn dryers, such as: two-stage drying of cobs with additional drying in grain; return of spent coolant to the drying zone (recirculation); application of maximum allowable heating temperatures (intensive drying). We established the influence of energy-saving drying methods on the quality of corn seeds. To study the effect of the new drying method on the technological, sowing and yield properties of corn seeds, we used a typical chamber dryer for corn SKP-10 in combination with a heat generator TPG-1/25 for biomass combustion. During the drying process on the energysaving complex, cob samples were taken to determine the quality of seeds. The control level was seeds dried in a laboratory dryer at a temperature of 39°C with forced air circulation and indoors at a temperature of 20-25°C. Moderate drying temperature, what provide a new energy-saving complex, reduces seed injury by thermal cracking, which is from 2 to 5%. Sowing qualities and yield properties of corn seeds dried in the new complex were at the control level, and in some cases exceeded it. Thanks to the use of a new method of drying, you can completely abandon the expensive traditional fuel, while offering high technological properties and seed quality.