The accessibility of DNA in chromatin to psoralen was assayed to compare the chromatin structure of the rRNA coding and spacer regions of the two related frog species Xenopus laevis and Xenopus borealis. Isolated nuclei from tissue culture cells were photoreacted with psoralen, and the extent of cross-linking in the different rDNA regions was analyzed by using a gel retardation assay. In both species, restriction fragments from the coding regions showed two distinct extents of cross-linking, indicating the presence of two types of chromatin, one that contains nucleosomes and represents the inactive gene copies, and the other one which is more cross-linked and corresponds to the transcribed genes. A similar cross-linking pattern was obtained with restriction fragments from the enhancer region. Analysis of fragments including these sequences and the upstream portions of the genes suggests that active genes are preceded by nonnucleosomal enhancer regions. The spacer regions flanking the 3' end of the genes gave different results in the two frog species. In X. borealis, all these sequences are packaged in nucleosomes, whereas in X. laevis a distinct fraction, presumably those flanking the active genes, show a heterogeneous chromatin structure. This disturbed nucleosomal organization correlates with the presence of a weaker terminator at the 3' end of the X. laevis genes compared with those of X. borealis, which allows polymerases to transcribe into the downstream spacer.In the last few years, much progress has been achieved in identifying the different sequence elements located in the intergenic spacers that are involved in the regulation of the rRNA genes. Despite the fact that the DNA sequence of the ribosomal spacers has diverged very rapidly between different organisms, recent studies indicate a general consensus in the function as well as in the arrangement of transcriptional regulatory elements in almost all higher eukaryotes (for reviews, see references 35, 44, and 45). However, some exceptions seem to exist even among closely related species. The most striking difference resides in the function of the spacer elements close to the 3' end of the rRNA precursor coding regions in the two frog species Xenopus laevis and Xenopus borealis. In fact, a series of transcriptional analyses failed to detect a true termination site at the 3' end of the X. laevis rRNA genes (9, 18), whereas the related sites in X. borealis behave like efficient terminators (21) (sites T2, see Fig.