We analyze the advantages of using ultra-cold coherent sources of atoms for matterwave interferometry in space. We present a proof-of-principle experiment that is based on an analysis of the results previously published in [1] from which we extract the ratio h/m for 87 Rb. This measurement shows that a limitation in accuracy arises due to atomic interactions within the Bose-Einstein condensate. Finally we discuss the promising role of coherent-matter-wave sensors, in particular inertial sensors, in future fundamental physics missions in space. Atom interferometry [2,3,4,5,6] has long been one of the most promising candidates for ultra-precise and ultra-accurate measurement of gravito-inertial forces [7,8,9,10,11,12,13] or for precision measurements of fundamental constants [14]. The realization of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) of a dilute gas of trapped atoms in a single quantum state [15,16,17] has produced the matter-wave analog of a laser in optics [18,19,20,21]. As lasers have revolutionized optical interferometry [22,23,24], so it is expected that the use of Bose-Einstein condensed atoms will bring the science of atom optics, and in particular atom interferometry, to an unprecedented level of accuracy [25,26]. In addition, BEC-based coherent atom interferometry would reach its full potential in space-based applications where micro-gravity will allow the atomic interferometers to reach their best performance [27].In this document, we discuss the prospects of using atom-lasers in future space missions to study fundamental physics. We point out that atomic ensembles at sub-microKelvin temperatures will be required, if the sensitivity of spacebased atom-interferometers is to reach its full potential. In addition, we show