Magalhães C. & Pereira, G. Assessment of the decapod crustacean diversity in the Guayana Shield region aiming at conservation decisions. Biota Neotrop. May/Aug 2007 vol. 7, no. 2. br/v7n2/pt/abstract?article+bn02007022007. ISSN 1676-0603.The current state of knowledge of freshwater decapod crustacean diversity of the Guayana Shield Region is briefly assessed, based upon information gathered from the scientific literature as well as unpublished data from academic theses, technical reports, and carcinological collections. The decapod fauna of the region is presently known to include 64 species and subspecies within six families and 17 genera. Diversity by countries, basins, and rivers is listed, comments on endemic, rare or threatened species are made, and information about relevant taxonomic literature is presented. Seven priority areas for conservation actions concerning crustacean decapods are suggested and related to the 25 priority areas defined by the Fishes and Freshwater Working Group at the Guayana Shield Conservation Priority Setting Workshop, held at Paramaribo (Suriname) in April 2002.