Sixteen species of gasteromycetes were identified in 50-year old collections from Cuba, including five species new to this island. The species Calvatia cyathiformis, Clathrus columnatus, Clathrus crispus, Cyathus limbatus, Diplocystis wrightii, Rhizopogon sp., Scleroderma tenerum and Tulostoma floridanum had already been reported from Cuba, whereas Disciseda hyalothrix and Lycogalopsis solmsii represent new records for this country. Six species belong to the genus Geastrum, of which G. pectinatum agg., G. schweinitzii agg. and G. velutinum agg. were already known from Cuba, but three species, G. corollinum, G. kotlabae and G. trichiferum, are new to the Cuban mycobiota. Each species is provided with a brief description followed by taxonomic notes, and distribution.