midastactus Moratelli and Wilson, 2014 (Vespertilionidae, Myotinae) was described from the Myotis
simus Thomas, 1901 complex based on collections from the Bolivian Savannah.New informationFour vouchers previously assigned to M.
simus from the Alto Chaco in Paraguay (West of the Paraguay River) are reassigned here to M.
midastactus. These specimens extend the geographic distribution of M.
midastactus 1200 km southward, and constitute the first evidence of the species in the country. Based on other material from the Brazilian Pantanal and Cerrado, Central Paraguay and north-eastern Argentina, we also discuss the identity of simus-like populations south of the Amazon Basin. The status of these populations is still unclear, but the little evidence we have at hand indicates that these populations may represent another taxon—M.
guaycuru Proença, 1943; whereas M.
simus seems to be restricted to the Amazon basin. This hypothesis is still very speculative and requires further investigation. With the assignment of material from Alto Chaco to M.
midastactus, seven species of Myotis are confirmed for Paraguay: M.
albescens, M.
lavali, M.
levis, M.
midastactus, M.
nigricans, M.
riparius, and M.