Post-mortem animal predation affects human corpses in various ways. Lesions are a characteristic of the type of terrestrial or aquatic predators. These lesions can be misinterpreted and may be challenging for the forensic pathologist. Different species in freshwater cause different types of lesions depending on their feeding habits. There is a paucity in the literature about post-mortem lesions caused by freshwater animals.
Case presentation
A 24-year-old man had accidentally drowned while fishing in the River Cauvery. His body was recovered after 3 days. Though the cause of death was drowning, post-mortem animal activity was observed during autopsy, and a live juvenile crab was also found along with the body. Distinct post-mortem lesions caused by decapods Oziotelphusa wagrakarowensis and small fishes Hypselobarbus dubius and Dawkinsia arulius are described.
Aquatic predators and their activity on the corpse are different from that of terrestrial predators. Knowledge of the local fauna is required to correlate the lesions on the body to the predator.