The properties of the singlet ion distributions at and around contact in a restricted primitive model double layer are characterized in the modified Poisson-Boltzmann theory. Comparisons are made with the corresponding exact Monte Carlo simulation data, the results from the Gouy-ChapmanStern theory coupled to an exclusion volume term, and the mean spherical approximation. Particular emphasis is given to the behaviour of the theoretical predictions in relation to the contact value theorem involving the charge profile. The simultaneous behaviour of the coion and counterion contact values is also examined. The performance of the modified Poisson-Boltzmann theory in regard to the contact value theorems is very reasonable with the contact characteristics showing semi-quantitative or better agreement overall with the simulation results. The exclusionvolume-treated Gouy-Chapman-Stern theory reveals a fortuitous cancellation of errors, while the mean spherical approximation is poor.
KeywordsElectric double layer; Contact value theorems; Density profile; Charge profile; Monte Carlo Alongside exact numerical simulations, exact analytical conditions are invaluable in statistical mechanics of Coulomb fluids in comparative assessment of different theories and/ or further theoretical development. These exact conditions can also help provide additional, useful checks on the consistency of simulations. One such condition in the electric double layer phenomenon is our principal concern in this paper. An electric double layer is formed when a charged electrode is brought in contact with a charged fluid and an ionic atmosphere develops in the vicinity of the electrode. The phenomenon has practical significance for a spectrum of systems in biology and industrial chemical processes. Here ρ s , d s and g s are, respectively, the average number density, the diameter and the electrode-ion distribution function of ionic species s, p is the bulk osmotic pressure and σ is the uniform surface charge density on the electrode with ε 0 and ε r , respectively, being the vacuum permittivity and relative permittivity of the solvent. Also, k B is the Boltzmann constant and T the absolute temperature. The relation was derived from force balance considerations at the electrode-electrolyte interface. It is local, easy to implement and, as a consequence, has been useful in checking theoretical descriptions of the electric double layer over the past three decades 1 .The other, relatively recent condition concerns the contact value of the charge profile in the planar double layer. This was derived by Holovko, Badiali and di Caprio4,5 (HBC), and Holovko and di Caprio6 starting from the Bogoliubov-Born-Green-Yvon (BBGY) hierarchy of equations7. For a double layer containing a restricted primitive model (RPM) electrolyte (the ions of the PM are now restricted to having a common diameter), and for symmetric valency salts -our interest in this paper, their relation is particularly simple, viz.,where g sum (x) = (1/2)(g ctr (x) + g co (x)), g diff (x...