Surface touch spreads disease-causing
microbes, but the measured
rates of microbial transfer vary significantly. Additionally, the
mechanisms underlying microbial transfer via surface touch are unknown.
In this study, a new physical model was proposed to accurately evaluate
the microbial transfer rate in a finger-surface touch, based on the
mechanistic effects of important physical factors, including surface
roughness, surface wetness, touch force, and microbial transfer direction.
Four surface-touch modes were distinguished, namely, a single touch,
sequential touches (by different recipients), repeated touches (by
the same recipient), and a touch with rubbing. The tested transfer
rates collated from 26 prior studies were compared with the model
predictions based on their experimental parameters, and studies in
which the transfer rates were more consistent with our model predictions
were identified. New validation experiments were performed by accurately
controlling the parameters involved in the model. Four types of microbes
were used to transfer between the naked finger and metal surface with
the assistance of a purpose-made touch machine. The measured microbial
transfer rate data in our new experiments had a smaller standard deviation
than those reported from prior studies and were closer to the model
prediction. Our novel predictive model sheds light on possible future