. 53,831 (1975). Nitrosonium pentanitratoholmate(III), (N0)2Ho(N03)5, was prepared from holmium metal and dinitrogen tetroxide in anhydrous ethyl acetate. Its crystals are monoclinic with a = 8.094, b = 11.979, c = 14.170 A and j3 = 104.7", Z = 4, space group P2,lc. The structure was solved by the heavy-atom method and refined by full matrix least-squares methods to an R value of 0.085 for 1514 observed reflections measured on the G.E. XRD-6 diffractometer. The structure consists of one H O ( N O~) ,~-and two NO+ ions. The holmium is 10-coordinated by five essentially symmetric bidentate nitrate groups which arrange themselves in a trigonal bipyramidal fashion around the metal with a mean Ho-0 distance of 2.45 A. The two NO+ ions per metal occupy slightly different environments and give rise to two i.r. bands at 2250 and 2285 cm-', attributable to the (N, 0 + ) stretching vibration. The mean N-0 distance within these ions is 1 .OO A.GERALD E. TOOGOOD et CHUNG CHIEH. Can. J. Chem. 53,831 (1975). Le pentanitratoholmate(II1) de nitrosonium, (NO)2Ho(NO3)5 a Ct C prCparC a partir de l'holmium mCtallique et du tktroxyde d'azote dans IYac6tate d'Cthyle anhydre. Les cristaux sont monocliniques avec a = 8.094, b = 11.979, c = 14.170 A et P = 104.7', Z = 4, groupe d'espace P2,lc. On a rCsolu la structure par la mCthode des atomes lourds et cette structure a Ct C affinee par la mCthode des moindres cartes (matrice complete) jusqu'a une valeur R de 0.085 pour 1514 rkflexions observCes a