Microinjection experiments demonstrated a requirement for cellular ras activity late in G1. In this study, we used two separate methods to identify an additional requirement for cellular ras activity early in the GO/GI phase of the cell cycle. Quiescent BALB/c cells were injected with anti-ras antibody prior to stimulation with serum. The cells would therefore be inhibited in progression through the cell cycle at the earliest point requiring ras function. Alternatively, cells were inhibited in late G1 as in previous studies by injecting anti (17). In support of this notion, a physical association between ras-GTP and cellular raf proteins has been demonstrated with several different experimental approaches (16,20,40,41,43,44).As further evidence that ras functions to transduce signals initiated by tyrosine kinases, the action of growth factor receptors leads to an elevation of the proportion of cellular ras associated with GTP (12, 31). Phosphorylated receptor molecules bind a number of proteins (22), including adapter molecules which associate with the ras exchange factor mSOS (2,4,8,11,23,29,33). It is likely that ras proteins are activated by the exchange factors positioned at the plasma membrane by their association with activated growth factor receptors. Genetic studies of Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster have independently forged a link between ras, tyrosine kinases, and exchange factors. In each organism, the action of a developmentally required tyrosine kinase has been shown to * Corresponding author. Phone: (216) 444-0633. depend on a number of separate genes, including analogs for ras, ras exchange factors, and adapter proteins (7,13).While the data presented above leave little question that ras functions to transduce the signal initiated by growth factor receptors, there is a critical inconsistency between them in relationship to cell cycle timing. When quiescent cells are stimulated with serum and injected with anti-ras antibody (or either of the dominant ras inhibitors) at various times thereafter, DNA synthesis within the recipient cells is efficiently inhibited so long as the injection occurs prior to the initiation of S phase. This indicates that ras is required late in the G, phase of the cell cycle, presumably at the G1/S-phase boundary (21). The action of growth factors, however, alters ras activity much earlier in the cell cycle. The proportion of ras-GTP increases within 5 min following serum addition to quiescent cells (12,31). In addition, many of the intermolecular associations studies described above take place early in GJ/G1. Furthermore, injection of oncogenic ras into quiescent cells has been shown to induce the rapid expression of cellular fos protein, while the fos expression induced soon after growth factor addition can be partially inhibited by previous injection of anti-ras antibody (37). Finally, studies with dominant inhibitory ras mutants make it clear that the ability of peptide growth factors to stimulate mitogen-activated protein kinase activity is depende...