Copyrighl1892, Sodoty of Pafrokwm Engkwers, Inc 'rids paper ivas preaantodat tie Sacond LatinArrwricsnPafrolsumH@nwiing Confarenco,II LAKC, o! !hs Sockfy of PetroleumEnglnoorahofdin Caraew, V-, Afamh& 11,19W s paper was sokctad for prasontationtq an SPE Prqram ComrrWaa followingrwfaw ef informationconlsinodin an abstract wbrMtod by ths author(a).Conlenta ef tha paw, as prasantad, have no! boon raviawad by the II LAPEC er tha SPE and are subjscf to corroctienby Iha authef(s). Tho malarial, aa prssantad, does not naceaaafi~rafbct any pesition of ha II LAPEC or lb SPE, ik offkora, er mstim. Paws praaantod at SPE mo61inesara subjocfto pulrkation m%w by EditoIM Cemn'ittoos & tha So$oly of Petrckum En@rira. Permission 10 copy la roabiied to an abafrsot of nd mwo Ihan sOQwords. Ilkatrstions may not ba coplarf. Tha hatract should contain wnapkaoua ac+mow!odgmont ef whom and by whom tha pafmr is prosan!wl. Write PWcationa Msnsgar, SPE, P,O.Sox S33SH RichardsonTX 7S$S3-SS3SU.S.A. Telex 7309S9 SPEDAL.,. .,