Motivation: Integrative modeling of macromolecular structures usually results in an ensemble of models that satisfy the input information. The model precision, or variability among these models is estimated globally, i.e., a single precision value is reported for the model. However, it would be useful to identify regions of high and low precision. For instance, low-precision regions can suggest where the next experiments could be performed and high-precision regions can be used for further analysis, e.g., suggesting mutations.
Results: We develop PrISM (Precision for Integrative Structural Models), using autoencoders to efficiently and accurately annotate precision for integrative models. The method is benchmarked and tested on five examples of binary protein complexes and five examples of large protein assemblies. The annotated precision is shown to be consistent with, and more informative than localization densities. The generated networks are also interpreted by gradient-based attention analysis.
Availability: Source code is at