“…New references for different geographic sectors have been given by Ingle (1993), García Raso (1982aRaso ( , 1984bRaso ( , 1985c, and the ECO-MARG (IEO) 2005 and 2006 Expeditions, among others (see Appendix 1). Seven species of pagurids have been added since Zariquiey Álvarez (1968): Anapagurus alboranensis, described from the Alboran Sea by García-Gómez (1994) and later recorded in the Gulf of Cádiz (Manjón-Cabeza and García Raso 1998) and along the Spanish Mediterranean coasts (Macpherson and Raventos 2004); Anapagurus pusillus, captured in Atlantic waters in southern and western Portugal (García-Gómez 1994, Sampaio et al 2016 and in northern Spain (Cantabria, ECOMARG IEO, Serrano et al 2006); Catapaguroides iris, captured in the Gulf of Cádiz (one specimen from INDEMARES-Chica 0211, García Raso unpublished data), previously known in Azores and the north of Morocco (Ingle 1993; Pagurus pseudosculptimanus, described by García Muñoz et al (2014) and recorded in the Alboran Sea; the African Pagurus mbizi, which is penetrating into the Mediterranean through the Alboran Sea (García Raso et al 2014b); Pagurus pubescentulus, recorded in Cantabria (IEO ECOMARG, Serrano et al 2006); and Michelopagurus atlanticus, a deep-sea (790-1575 m according to Lemaitre and Tavares 2015) amphi-Atlantic species recently found off Aveiro, Costa de Prata (western Portugal) at a much shallower depth (41 m) by Sampaio et al (2016), which is noteworthy. Also, the occurrence of Anapagurus smythi Ingle, 1993 in the Cantabrian Sea (IEO ECOMARG http://www.…”