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IntroductionThis paper presents an architecture for the measurement of frequency, amplitude and phase within 3-phase AC power systems. The architecture is designed to fulfil a number of emerging requirements pertinent to distributed generation and microgrid control applications: The measurements must settle quickly; within ~5 cycles for a frequency or voltage measurement used by a droop controller, and within ~2 cycles for an amplitude measurement used for protective relaying. The measurements must be able to track rapid frequency changes up to 10Hz/s during islanded operation. The measurement of frequency should be able to ride through single-phase, two-phase and partial-depth three-phase faults indefinitely. The frequency measurement should also be able to ride through a full-depth three-phase fault for a configurable amount of time. To enable deployment on cheap microcontrollers, the major signal processing algorithms should be able to operate at a fixed frame rate, possibly clocking as slowly as 10 samples per cycle (500Hz for a 50Hz power system; a frame time of should be better than ±0.01pu for 2-cycle measurements (protective relaying) and better than ±0.001pu for 5-cycle measurements used as inputs to reactive-power droop controllers.The simplest examples of algorithms for single-ph...